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St. Patrick's Primary School, Glenariff

Visitors in Primary Two and Three.

24th Jun 2024

Today we welcomed Miss Bakewell back to St. Patrick’s.  Miss Bakewell brought her class from St. Mary’s, Rathlin with her for a visit.  Primary Two and Three were very welcoming and kind hosts.  We all had a lovely morning completing activities linked to the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.’

The children built bridges and zip lines, baked plain and chocolate buns, investigated floating and sinking, made circuits to light the bulbs, played in our submarine role play area and painted pictures of lighthouses. 

We also played outside on the Pirate Ship and on our bikes and trikes. 


The children worked brilliantly together, planning, talking, building and baking.  We are looking forward to next year already!