Access Keys:

St. Patrick's Primary School, Glenariff

Sponsored Walk

29th Jun 2023

Today we were blessed with beautiful weather for our sponsored walk, allowing us to enjoy the views of Glenariff's Forest Park.

We explored age appropriate walks, although there will no doubt be a few tired children (and adults) tonight!

The Glenariff Improvement Group treated us to a delicious lunch in the cafe, including ice cream and a goodie bag - we are so grateful to Kathleen, Sheena, Margaret and Teresa for looking after us.

Thank you to our parents for ensuring our children arrived on schedule for the sponsored walk, and for being so understanding about the change of day.

Today's walk wouldn't have been possible without our volunteers - Teresa, Paula, Catriona, Donna, Sean and Ciaran - for walking with our children. We greatly appreciate you giving up your time to support our children and our school.

Finally, thanks to the generosity of our families, our sponsored walk raised £1450, which will go towards school funds. All of our staff are priveleged to work in such a supportive community.