First Holy Communion
Many congratulations to our 17 P4 children who received the Sacrament of the Eucharist last Saturday and for their maturity and understanding of this very important milestone on their faith journey. They did themselves proud and were a credit to the school and to their families.
We thank Mrs Mc Carry & Miss Mc Neill for their preparation of the children for the sacrament, Father White, Sylvia, parents, altar servers, choir and all the staff for helping to make it a great parish celebration. We appreciate and thank the parish team who prepare the chapel for our big occasions.
The singing by the P3 – P7 children in the chapel was beautiful and was remarked upon by many parishioners and guests. We are very proud of all our children and really appreciate them giving up their time on a Saturday morning to come out to sing, play the tin whistle or serve on the altar.